David Leigh-Hunt

Clerk & Press Representative, Emergency Planning Committee

Clerk to Radford Semele Parish Council, I am also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and an accredited mediator with the Society of Mediators . I hold the Certificate in Local Council Administration

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Stanley Sabin

Chairman & Publicity Representative, Emergency Planning Committee

I have lived in Radford Semele for 49 years and am happy to defend in any way possible the nature of village life and resist any threat to the village envelope.

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David Carter

Chair of the Planning Committee. Finance Committee. Parish Council Representative to the Greswolde-Williams Charity

David was re-elected as a Parish Councillor in 2023. He is a member of the Finance and Planning Committees. The planning role includes considering planning applications within the parish.

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Jack Dempsey

Chair of the Playing Field Committee. Planning, Finance and Speedwatch Committees

I was re-elected as a Parish Councillor in 2023. I now chair the Playing Field Committee.

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Brian Friar

Vice-Chair, Chair of the Finance Committee and Website Manager

I was was re-elected to the Parish Council in 2023. I chair the Finance committee and manage the website and social media output.

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Janet Malin

Planning Committee. Emergency Planning Committee. Parish Council Representative to Radford Semele Community Hall Management Committee, Policy & Procedures Officer. Parish Council Representative to the Greswolde-Williams Charity

It has always been my abiding wish that Radford Semele maintains its status as a ‘village’ and is not absorbed into the surrounding area and I would hope that my contribution to the Parish Council has helped and still is helping us to achieve this.

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Roger Munn

Chair of the Speedwatch Committee

I was re-elected to the Parish Council in 2023. I chair and co-ordintate our Community Speed Watch, I am also a member of the telephone box working party.

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Josie Sanderson

Playing Field Committee

I became interested in the work of the Parish Council through attending meetings on behalf of our village environmental group, Friend’s of Radford’s Green Environment (FoRGE), and was co-opted onto the Council in May 2023.

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Stewart Roe

Playing Field Committee, Emergency Planning Committee. Parish Council Representative to Radford Semele Sports and Social Club

I have very recently been co-opted onto the Parish Council. I look forward to this role and will work hard to ensure the village remains unspoilt by the ever growing demands of expansion.

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District Councillor Rebecca Noonan

WDC Representative to the Parish Council

Me and my husband bought our first home together in Radford Semele, attracted by the lovely green spaces for our dog and the safe, community spirit it offers.

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County Councillor Wallace Redford

WCC Representative to the Parish Council