Radford Semele Parish Council

Warwickshire, England

The next normal meeting of Radford Semele Parish Council will take place on Monday 5th August 2024 at 7.30pm

  •  22/07/2024 00:01
1 min read

With the closures of some pharmacies, the promotion of pharmacy first and shortages of some medications we would like to understand what the impact is on residents of Warwickshire. The aim is to help the people of Warwickshire get the pharmacy services they need. The feedback received will be presented to Warwickshire’s Health overview and scrutiny committee and passed onto the Local Pharmacy Committee. If you are running any groups or events, I could visit over the next two months, to promote this survey please let me know, many thanks.

  •  08/07/2024 14:50
1 min read

Unauthorised Encampment - Clean up

  •  30/06/2024 19:10
1 min read