1 min read
09 Jan


At Warwickshire County Council we want to know what you think about our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) and the services that are offered at them. The County Council is responsible for the operation of nine recycling centres in Warwickshire (see https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/hwrc). The centres provide householders with a place to donate and buy reusable items, recycle a wide range of materials and dispose of waste. 

There are questions about the reuse shops and the recycling centres. We are seeking views on the booking system used to book your appointment to visit a recycling centre and your experience when using the centre. We would also like to hear from residents who have not used a recycling centre recently. 

The results of the survey will help us to identify areas where the HWRC service can be improved. 

Why your views matter

We would like to capture customer satisfaction information from a wide pool of customers and also capture opinions from people who have not used a recycling centre recently. As well as asking about customer experience, we want to ask about the appointment booking system that has been in place since May 2020. We hope to hear from people who have decided not to use the booking system as well as those who have. 

Your views will help us to improve physical elements of the sites where needed – e.g. signage or cleanliness, and identify potential areas for staff training. We will also consider your views on the current booking system and any suggested improvements.

 How to take part

You can put forward your views either individually or as part of a group by clicking on the link below to complete our online survey. 

If you have any issues completing the survey contact 01926 412593.  

Please give your views

Online Survey