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Council Meeting Dates & Agendas



To all Councillors

You are summoned to an ordinary meeting of the Parish Council

to take place on 

Monday 28th October 2024 at 7:30pm.

in the Community Hall, Lewis Road, Radford Semele.

Please send any apologies for absence to the undersigned by telephone: (01926) 330844

 or email the Clerk at clerk@radfordsemelepc.org.uk    

The public have a right to attend this meeting.

PDF documents for the forthcoming Parish Council meeting may be downloaded from here.

Agenda for Oct 2024.pdf

Draft Unapproved Minutes for Sept 2024.pdf

PC Emeregency Plan Meeting 8.10.24.pdf

Playing Field Report for RSPC Meeting 28 October 2024.pdf

Hall - Report to PC Oct 24.pdf

Environment report to the PC - October 2024.pdf

Further papers for the meeting will be posted here prior to the meeting.

Diary of upcoming Meetings:

 Meeting MonthDayTime
October 2024Monday 28th7:30 pm
November 2024Monday 25th7:30 pm
January 2025Monday 27th7:30 pm
February 2025Monday 24th7:30 pm
March 2025Monday 31st7:30 pm

 Meetings held over the last twelve months:

Meeting MonthDateComment
Meetings held in 2023/24
October 2023Monday 30thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
November 2023Monday 27thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
January 2024Wednesday 17thExtra meeting to agree Parish Precept for 2024 25 - Parish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
January 2024Monday 29thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
February 2024Monday 26thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
March 2024Monday 25thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
April 2024Monday 29thParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
May 2024Saturday 18thParish Council Annual Assembly and Meeting Held in the Community Hall
May 2024Monday 20th MayParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
June 2024Monday 24th JuneParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
July 2024Monday 5th AugustParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall
August 2024The Parish Council does not hold a scheduled meeting in August.

September 2024Monday 30th SeptemberParish Council Meeting held in Community Hall

The minutes and reports for the Annual Parish Meeting are available here.

Please note, there are no Council Meetings Held in August and December .